Work in Progress: How to create a new split test with 3 variants
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**Here we are going to teach you how to create a split test with more than 2 variants
Please first watch how to create a split test from scratch here!**
How to create a new split test
Once you created a split test with two variants, click the “+ Add a variant” button.
Enter your second variant name.
Enter your second variant key.
Enter your desired weighting for this variant.
Once you are sure about you variant name, key and weighting, click the “Save” button.
Make the changes you want to make to your new variant page.
After making your desired changes, click on the “Save Edits” button.
If you want to see how your control, and variant pages look, before sending the experiment to a QA process, click on the view buttons for each variant, to make sure the pages look as you want. You can also edit the variants at this point, but you can’t change your control version.