👁️How to hide a global component on a specific page
This is meant to be done only for global components. Components that are not global shouldn’t exist on pages where they are not needed.
Selecting the component you want to work on:
In the “Edit” sub-menu open the “Designer” card.
Click on the component you want to work on.
Option 1: Hide the component on one page:
Select the global component you'd like to hide
Click on “+ Filter” in the “Designer” card.
Change the "In" option to "This Page" so that any changes you make will only apply to the page you're currently viewing.
In the “Position” tab, set the “Display” property to “none”.
That’s it, the component would not be shown on the current page.
Option 2: Hiding the component on several selected pages:
Add a descriptive tag to the page where you want the component to be hidden:
Open the “Designer” card from the “Edit” sub-menu.
Click the "Or edit the whole page" button without selecting any component.
Click "Add a tag".
Click "+ Add a tag to this page".
Create a descriptive tag, like "custom_hide" and click “Add”.
Without closing the “Designer” card, select the component you want to work on by clicking on it.
Set the component to be hidden on pages with the tag you’ve created:
Click “+ Filter”.
In the "In" options, select "Pages with Tag".
In the "Tag" options, select the tag you've created on STEP 1.
In the “Position” tab, set the “Display” property to “none”.
Finally, give the same tag to every page where you want the component to be hidden:
On the "Pages" card, select the next page where you want the component to be hidden.
Repeat STEP 1 using the same tag you’ve created in STEP 1.e.
That’s it, you've hidden the component on every page that has the right tag! (E.g. custom_hide)
Related docs:
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