Conditions help hide and show content depending on the user's selections. With a condition, you can show certain pages and hide others if a user selects a specific option.
You'll find all conditions-related settings in the "Options" card "Show/hide" tab.
Where they can be placed
Conditions on buttons
Conditions on components
Conditions on pages
Types of conditions
Is / Includes: It means the component will be displayed if another component is or includes any of the selected value/s.
Is Not / Does Not Include: It means the component will be displayed if another component isn't or doesn't include any of the selected value/s.
Exists: It means the component will be displayed if another component exists or has a value.
Does Not Exist: It means the component will be displayed if another component doesn't exist or doesn't have a value.
Example use-cases
Showing a "We don't work in your area" or "You must be older than 18" page if the user's input doesn't match your requirements, hide it if it does.
Create a couple of groups of bullet points describing the different service plans you're offering. Show one or the other depending on the plan you recommend for the user.
You can have a Stripe component for subscriptions, another for one-time payments, and another one for collecting card details. You can hide the ones you don't need for a particular customer.
If more than one condition is added to a page, component, or button, both conditions need to be true for the component to be displayed.
Tip: An alternative way to Hide components, pages or buttons is toggling on "Hide Page"/"Hide Component"/"Hide Button".
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